Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Ides of March

Good March First, time marches on and that is a good thing as we should soon see and feel some good spring weather. With our current storms coming in across the ocean the temperature has gone up a few degrees . . . I can stand that. Maybe now we can start planning some of those summer outdoor bar-b-ques . This picture gives you an idea of how to chill a beer or two in case you run out of space in the refrigerator. The ingenuity of man . . . thinking all the time.
Daughter Christine had a fun night at the annual dinner you have heard me talk about. Twenty ladies, twenty tables to be decorated and this year it had to do with vacation spots and her table had a golf theme. Christine did a fantastic job and I am very proud of her for finding all the decorations as it is not an easy job to come up with something new and different each year. I got a kick out of the golf glove and the center piece must have been hard to find. They had a successful evening and everyone had a great time. They had hopes of making money for the projects for their community but this year the economy isn't as good as it 'used to be' so they can only do a few things, but they will be doing as much as they can. It is a wonderful organization ,with the name I can never spell, business women, great gals, willing to give their time and energy. So Kudos to all of them and I hope their town appreciates each and every one of them.
This is a picture of a B17, World War II, which the pilot, and crew, landed on a runway. It was nothing short of a miracle. Only one of the crew was killed, the others survived but the story of how is unbelievable, really incredible . The story went on to say that the noise of the plane could be heard long before it was sighted, and was like the 'wail of a Banshee'. It was a 'hot' landing after being hit by a German 88 anti air craft shell which exploded and all but blew the plane apart. The men received the highest of honors and only took enough time to rest up before they were ready to fly again.

So today, the very first day of a new month . . . March . . . think positive thoughts as winter is leaving, slowly, but surely, and soon we will be basking in warm sunshine and cool breezes, drinking a cold beer or an iced tea, maybe even some lemonade, and weekends will be spent at the beach or on the golf course, or even the tennis court and all will be right with your world. Today we will leave the outside world, with all its turmoil, alone for a bit and give our senses a respite for a short while. The candle needs to stay lit, so do your part as we all need to pray for each other in sickness and in health, and for the strength to persevere. Hugs to all.

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