Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Now and Then

All of the new cars waiting to be shipped off to new destinations
along came the most devastating earthquake in history

the Richter scale showing the apex of the earth's movement and there were dozens of more graphic pictures of the devastation but I thought we have all seen more than our share of horror. All of the words and pictures take a toll on each of us as our sympathy goes out to a people who are handling themselves with such dignity and grace amidst an event so horrible that their entire economy is at a standstill, nuclear plants are blowing vapors into their air, yet there is not panic, no looting, just one person looking out for the other. A Sullivan niece is over there and her name is Wendy. She is getting around on a bicycle as the trains are not running. She tells of aftershocks and with her amazing sense of humor tells of being caught in the shower when the shaking seems to be at its worse. She told her parents she might have to give her showers as it is a terrible place to be when you have your surroundings shaking you like the last leaf on a tree. She has nothing but praise for her host family and being a teacher she has no desire to be anywhere else. Her talents will be needed in the future. Our first thoughts are that she should come home and be safe, but we can have the same devastation right here in our own country as the fault lines circumvent our tiny globe.

Obama Care. In Japan the elders are revered. In America they are living too long to suit some of our politicians. Don't fret, they are getting older each day.

Yeah!!! I do love cowboys and cowboy films and stories of the Western days of yore. Can you blame me? You have to admit it is a beautiful picture of a very handsome cowboy and speaks volumes of the Old West. I don't think I've missed a western movie that was ever made and wish we had Matt Dillon, Kitty and old Doc on our screens one more time.
So today, be of good cheer and know there will be time for you to reach out and help your fellow man whether it be a donation to the Red Cross or Salvation Army or your own favorite charity, knowing they will be first in line to help those in need. Right now it is thundering and there is lightening and time to get off the computer. One more rainy day as two diligent workers try to put on a new porch for us between the downpours. I'll blog about them soon enough, great workers, and it will be so good not to have a deck that is slippery and dangerous. Take good care of YOU. Hugs to all.

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