Tuesday, March 29, 2011

She's Back!

Things have gotten quiet recently, maybe 'they' made it back to their state after all. Did the hold out help? No! Did they accomplish anything at all? No! You have to hand it to that Wisconsin Governor for standing up for a balanced budget for his state, or at least for making the effort to do what is best for the constituents in his state.
There are days when I feel just like this. I keep trying to make the computer work as it should, according to me, but the little I.M. icon keeps doing its own thing and it is frustrating. Every time 'they' update, I wonder what they have done and why as nothing seems to improve. Oh to be computer literate!!!
I've been wondering this myself. It couldn't possibly get any worse . . . or could it? I guess that old adage of 'be careful what you wish for . . .' has some merit, so I best pay attention to what is going on so I know how to vote in 2012, after all Maxine is looking out for us. Wonder if 'she' would run, bet she'd get a lot of votes.

So today, the last Tuesday of March, 2011, wonder what it has in store for us. Sunshine I hope. We had a sunshine afternoon yesterday and I stood on the back porch and basked in the sun. It felt so good. I pulled up a chair, got my book, and sat in the sunshine and read awhile. One bird showed up to sing to me, more likely, screeching for some food. I haven't put any feed in the bird house as yet and am a little shy about starting as there are a bevy of small beauties in the hedges back there. They really are fun to watch. I will have to go shopping for some more bird feed and I know just the store to buy it from. So think about your little feathered creatures and buy some food for them and take time to sit out on your back porch, or in your summer chairs, and sit quietly and just watch the antics of the tiny creatures. Here's hoping you have sunshine in your day. Hugs to all.

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