Friday, March 4, 2011

The Eagle

Good morning. If I had realized that each picture of the eagle story had a caption, I could have just copied the pictures and let you see all of the pictures and read the story yourself. It was informative, interesting and a fascinating story. The eagle has the longest life span. When it reaches the age of forty it begins to have problems. Sort of reminds me of one of my children saying "thirty . . . thirty is OLD" and when they got there they found out it was nothing but a number.
At age forty the eagle's talons can no longer grab prey for its food. the beak becomes bent and the wings become heavy due to the thickness of feathers and it is harder to fly. Now it has two options die or go through a painful process which takes one hundred and fifty days.
The eagle flies up to the top of the highest mountain and begins the process, first knocking his beak against a rock until it is pushed back out; waits for the new beak to grow so it can pluck the talons back out and then pluck the feathers so it can fly again. all of this takes five months then the eagle is reborn and lives another thirty years. We just do not have this ability, after forty we just go down hill, although it takes us a long time to get to the end of the trail. This miracle is not for us as we have been to the top of a mountain and all we did was look at the scenery, never occurred to me to try and revamp the worn out parts . . . I'd still be there. All in all the eagle is a special bird chosen to symbolize a great America. A bird to be reckoned with and one to be very proud of.
I own a Zuni Fetish which my daughter Pat gave me some years ago. According to the book, the Eagle is the guardian of the upper regions and is called "White Cap". "This fetish helps you to see the 'big picture' achieve grace through knowledge and work. It can connect you with higher truths, enhancing intuitive and creative abilities." "If you are an Eagle person you are philosophical by nature, a good observer, possibly a teacher, loyal and demanding high integrity for yourself in your business and personal relationships."
So today, no matter what bird you like the most, find a fetish for yourself and read up on what it has to say about your philosophy of life, then buy one when you next get the chance so it will remind you to live up to your own expectations. Today is a good day to start. Go, start counting your blessings and smile. Hugs to all.

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