Thursday, March 10, 2011


We don't even have to worry about a forest fire at the moment as we had five inches of rain in one day and a misty gray yesterday with a promise of a new storm today . . . well it is winter still, yet, moving slowly . . . but signs of spring are all around us and I for one will bask in the sunshine the day it appears in our skies. I may get a facial sun burn but it will be worth it as I stand on my porch and gaze up at the sun, I think I remember what it looks like.
The Good Old Boys!!!

Right now I think everyone is wishing they owned a very small car that did not require a giant fill up. The question is, 'how high can gas prices go?' and how do we get the message across that we do not like being a captive audience?
Another form of art . . . Wire . . . now this takes imagination. Your mind can conger up a lot of different scenarios for this picture.

Good old "Mac". There was something on television this week about the MacDonald Chain of stores being the second biggest company in the world. They used to be first but I think "Subway" has bested them. I know MacDonald's chain has contributed to the Camp Signshine in California where the children from the big cities get a chance to go up to the beautiful mountain lake and spend a couple of weeks enjoying the outdoors, swimming and boating, doing art work as well as putting on their own follies. They are children who are hearing impaired and the camp is one of the best highlights in their lives.
My granddaughter attended the camp when she was small, then she learned how to be a camp counselor and now spends a couple of weeks each summer to help and teach the children.

This one depicts 'old age' well there are mornings when I get up I feel just like this, even look like this . . . a dried up prune, but in this case a raisin, in the midst of raving beauties, but . . . wrinkles have a beauty all their own, and if I am up and moving I don't have a care in the world. Think of all the money I save on cosmetics.
So today, find yourself a good book to read if your weather is not cooperating. I just started "The Tea House on Mulberry Street" by Sharon Owens. It is the first book I have ever seen about a publisher not being responsible for the recipes within, so far I haven't seen one, but reading about the delectable pastries served makes me wish for a shorter lent. Day two, can you see the dilemma I have going for the next 38 days. I think I'll have to go back to mysteries. Have a day of smiles that come from the heart. Hugs to all.

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