Friday, March 25, 2011

Texas Lavender

Some time back I wrote about the Washington State lavender fields not knowing Texas has larger fields, not better, but bigger . . . of course, it is Texas. I wouldn't mind visiting these fields and bringing home a bundle or two of the beautiful lavender plants.
How thick and beautiful are the rows of lavender. It must be bee heaven as the smell of lavender fills the air.

Here is a busy one. Look at the size of the tubes and the beauty of the little beast. I bet it has a stinger to let you know who is boss. Not long ago we had an event at the high school where the different folks came with their creations and one lady came from the lavender county here in Oregon and sold lavender products. The lavender has a lovely aroma and it also does wonders for the skin. I made good use of the lavender I bought and finally had to discard the tube with the honey, which I gave up on, or I would be stuck to the counter top. It always pays to read the directions first, live and learn. So these pictures reminded me of a wonderful trip to Washington State and the beautiful area of Sequim and a truly wonderful day with my daughters and granddaughter. I wouldn't mind doing that trip all over again.

A bit of humor. The caption on this one was "The First Senior Moment" . . . yeah, I'd probably miss the ark too. So today, mark your calendars for all important events. Don't forget to remind yourself that someone is having a birthday and needs to be celebrated. I find birthdays fun, and find it is one very good reason to celebrate. The number is just a number, the fact that I made another one is what is important and that alone is reason to celebrate. I know we are over staying our welcome as far as our politicians and the health bills are concerned, and if there is any justice in the world we might just live long enough to see some of them reach the octogenarian stage of life. So if you are not having a birthday today, find someone who is, and help them celebrate . . . buy them a good lunch, or bring a decadent birthday cake over with ice cream of course and count the calories another time. Make your seconds count as only you can. AND if today is your birthday, celebrate and know I am wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Hugs to all.

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