Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Good May Day morning. The start of a new month, one that should bring warmth and sunshine for a change. Yesterday was the Citywide yard sale and according to our local newspaper there were one hundred and eighteen. I didn't blog yesterday because I was over at Pat's garage at five thirty in the morning, getting ready for the 'Estate Sale' folks. The first job was to set up the outside table and put all of the books out and that is no easy job. It takes a little time to organize but once done the books are in boxes for the most part, all all facing the same way and it is surprising how little the folks toss around. Maybe the appreciate the hard work and effort of making it easy for them to see all of the titles. I visited with a few of the cook book lovers and had been reading one from the old West in which the story teller talked about pinching and snipping which was right up my alley. I am a pinch and snip cook from way back. I read an excerpt here and there and one of the ladies added it to her pile, telling me she was going home and read it. I had to laugh, and wonder if she will make use of some of those wonderful recipes. It was slow for such an even and we did not get the usual groups, more like a slow few that came all day and we did get rid of some things. Not enough to suit us as we now will pack the boxes up and when our friend, Katie, has her sale in June we will add to her sale. She did make the offer, now if we have the energy to set up . . . seems I heard those words vibrating around . . . 'never again, this is it, no more yard sales' . . . yeah, I did say it as I found myself enjoying the folks that stopped by and the sharing of stories and jokes, but the energy was really dragging . We closed up about four and called it a day.

So today, there may be the remnants of a yard sale or two around town. Some of the younger folks may open up for one more day. I am expecting company so will not venture out, but maybe you may be in the mood to go and look for one more treasure. I came home with two, a cute salt and pepper shaker set for my neighbor who came to the door with one of her 'potted' cakes and a lovely green dish I couldn't leave behind. If I had the energy I would stop by with a May basket filled with treats for you, a tradition that seems to be lost anymore. It was such fun to go to the door and find a little May basket from someone who cared. If you do not have a basket to share then take someone out to breakfast and put a smile on their fact . . . and yours. Hugs to all.

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