Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cold Winds

Good morning.    It is almost the end of May and we are having cold winds with our sunshine.   The winds are strong so there is no chance I can enjoy puttering around the yard.    I suppose I could put on my winter coat and go out there with a clipper in hand but let's face it I am lazy at heart and what's a few dozen more weeds among friends.

The picture problem remains and I have hope that it will be changed back and I can show you some of the pictures I put aside yesterday,if not, I will have to try and verbalize so you will know what peeked my interest.   For one thing there was a very informative e-mail about Tinian Island in the Pacific Ocean, a forty-mile flat green dot in the vastness of the Pacific ocean.   It is over grown and dirty, but it was 'the spot' where World War II was won.

The Seabees built this airstrip so that 30,000 Marines could land here as a jump off spot to other island of the Pacific.  The B29 superstructure launched the Enola Gay and on August 5, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  There was so much more to the story and so many wonderful pictures as the words told of the take over of the Islands by the Japanese and the horror they wrought when they enslaved the Okinawan and Korean people.   A picture of cliffs jutting from the sea was the spot the Japanese Emperor ordered his people to commit suicide, over 5,000 died , and some became prisoners.   There was a lot more written about the history of World War II in words and pictures I have never seen before.  

As I sit here typing away, I can look out my window and see a huge black cloud hovering , yet there is light blue sky about it and hopefully it will move on and we will warm up a bit.    Friend Marcia is coming by this morning with goodies.  She has been baking again.    This lady is like the battery bunny, always up to something, and seems to have the same energy.  She was gifted some round tubs and has been busy filling them with soil and is going to grow a garden and intends to put up pole beans, apples from her neighbors tree and tomatoes too.   I envy her energy and her knowledge and ambition as the words "I used to" comes to mind.    I hope to talk her out of a jar or two of whatever she puts up and even offered to weed a bucket or two.    I know her prices will be much better than Freddys and a lot healthier.  

So today, give some thought to growing a small garden of vegetables for your own table.   If things keep up as they have been lately, we may be seeing some of the old 'victory gardens' back.   I think I read something in our local paper about two of the senior members thinking about doing just that.   Oh for a real true garden tomato . . . a BLT for lunch . . . yeah!   I wouldn't mind that, but first I had better go and have my coffee and wake up.   Make your seconds count, every one of them .  Hugs to all.

Here is a Rhody to brighten your day.

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