Monday, May 9, 2011

This and That

Maxine is at it again. She was telling how her doctor advised her to eat all colorful healthy foods and she came up with the perfect solution and went out and bought a bag filled with M and M's. Not a bad idea, maybe we should try that.

Here is a bear looking for something to eat. The caption was about the rope and what it was made of as this bear was no light weight. I wonder what he found in the bird house? If the birds are as hungry as the ones I feed around here , I am sure this guy will have to look elsewhere.

There was a delightful story about a grandfather who lived on the Payne Mountain farm in Eastern Kentucky. He read the bible every day and tried to teach his grandson a new lesson every day. The grandson told his grandfather that the bible words were hard to understand. The grandfather sent his grandson out to the river with a wicker basket and told him to fill it with water. The youngster tried but the water would always be gone when he reached the house. No matter how fast he ran, he could not bring water to his grandfather He thought to throw the basket away because it was useless. His grandfather pointed out the basket may not hold the water but it was now very clean and could be used for many other purposes and the bible was like that as the words cleansed our minds and hearts and changed us from the inside out.

It is Monday, the start of a new week. I am hoping for a sunshine week as the Rhodys are trying to blossom out. I am afraid I cut mine back too much last year and need a few lessons on how to treat them properly as the bushes are not filled with those beautiful big colorful blooms. I have a tendency to be too neat and want my garden the same way, but I think that it is best when you let it do its own thing. The garden always needs attention but it doesn't need to be trimmed to perfection as it spoils it. Live and learn. Maybe I'll get a few blossoms to take pictures of yet. The Rose of Sharon bush is huge this year and has lots of little buds on it. I'm hoping for a regal display this year. Meanwhile, the weekend was a fun one as we celebrated Pat's birthday and Mother's Day with a wonderful springer salmon dinner in and a huge buffet out. If we were smart, we wouldn't eat much of anything for a day or two as we work off those extra calories we devoured. We had a lovely lady and her son sit with us and as he got up to wait on his mother, he said something about waiting on her and Pat said she had the same job waiting on me. His mother grinned and said 'well, I waited on him for years" and I had to grin and agree. Pay back time . . .hell isn't it? I loved hearing the voices of my children. John is recovering from a nasty cold but says he is fine. Christine was doing a lot of nothing after a week of pure frustration in trying to close the office down and get some of the local thrift store folks to pick up the donated chairs and desks. Mike was shoveling horse manure to keep busy as he waits for the construction work to start when and if the snow stops falling in the Sierras. More expected this week, but they have snow into June some years. I had lovely cards from my granddaughter with a promised visit next month. It was fun to hear from friends by e mail and know that they were having a great weekend too.

So today, plot and plan your day and tackle the hardest job first and the rest will follow. it is time to start thinking of vacation time because it isn't as far off as you think it is. Where are you going? What 'spot' is calling to you? In my own mind I am going to the moon and back, but at the speed I travel these days, I am not going far. I am having company in August so that is something to look forward to. Right now, like you, I am counting my seconds and filling them with the necessary evils of the day . . . right, the dust kitties are hanging but not for long. Make your today a good one. Hugs to all.

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