Monday, May 30, 2011


Good Morning.     It is Memorial Day and the festivities have been going on for days.   Now, today, we can relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday and hopefully share some time with family and friends. 

Choose your words wisely for once they leave, you cannot get them back... so make sure the words that flow from your mouth are words of love and maybe even a little wisdom.   

This picture had to do with some funny remarks about men and women and this particular one had to do with a man's understanding of women . . . maybe, by the time he gets to the last page. . . but, I wouldn't count on it. 
I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and got out away from all the mundane cares of each day.   Maybe you were lucky enough to be able to visit a grave yard and put a flag on a grave of one of our heroes, and the men and women that did give their lives for us, should be honored, not just on Memorial Day but every day.    They gave their all . . . we can offer our prayers, works and sufferings for them.     The pictures of the graveyards overseas in the different countries was mind boggling and the number of those we lost is hard to reconcile.    So today, keep them in mind as well as remembering the youngsters overseas right now who are trying to do do the impossible.

So today, make your seconds count.    Relax, and have a cold beer with your feet up and let the 'better' half do the cooking.     Don't forget the mustard and the ketchup.     Hugs to all.

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