Sunday, May 15, 2011

Birthday Fun

It is May, the month of birthdays around here as daughter Patricia and I celebrate our special days. We go through the usual verbiage of not buying gifts and just plot and plan a dinner out somewhere together, sounds good, but that is not what we do as we Taurus love to give as well as to receive . . . and we do both so well. The rhodys are in bloom so it is time to recognize May and the two of us have had a ball.

Pat asked what I wanted for my birthday and of course I said 'nothing' . . . let's just eat out . . . but I admired some pots that I would like to have for the new area in the front of the house and before you know it I had these beauties. They have to be re-potted with some colorful flowers but that is another trip yet to take.

We went to Coos Bay and along the way we saw that May was celebrating the wild gorse which is really very pretty but very intrusive and kills most anything in its path. It is taking over the Oregon highways and we saw many acres of this wild blooming plant from our own Brookings all the way to Coos Bay.

Another shot from the highway. I missed the area where the fields are loaded with this gorse, and it has taken over acres of land from Brookings, where it is just beginning to show, all the way to Coos Bay some hundred or so miles north of us. I am wondering if it follows all the way up north along Highway 101. The thing about the gorse, from what I understand is the creosol it contains that burns hot and fast. I would think this would be dangerous, especially because we have so much forest land.

Son John asked what I would like for my birthday and I said a hug . . . well I got a surprise and here it is a lovely plant and a basket filled with special fruits.

Granddaughter Erin sent me two boxes of these delectable strawberries covered with fancy chocolate with nuts and sprinkles. The cookie cake was delicious as were the strawberries. I shared them as I could never devour them fast enough for them to keep and I was not sure freezing them would do them any good, besides I usually love frozen anything.

Lovely pink bags for shopping, a check to spend as I want, and beautiful cards from family and friends . . . now you know why I think birthdays are so very special and should be celebrated. Today will be phone call day and both Christine and Michael will sing to me, a family tradition. I had a surprise call from Eileen and John which was wonderful. It is so good to hear the voices and catch up on what they have been doing. So know that I consider myself a very lucky lady even though those penny machines were not very good to me in Coos Bay. I had fun and I guess that is what really matters. I want to win the big one as I have so many ideas of how I could treat my family and friends . . . guess you will all have to settle for a hug when I see you.

And then there was and Easter surprise with this beautiful African Violet from daughter Pat. It seems to love where it is and I hope it grows to be a beauty as I do not have green thumbs. I forgot to take a picture of the lovely begonia which is now in one of those lovely pots out front. Well, Mother's Day is in May also, so you know I was gifted with flowers and hugs Jock came in with a beautiful bouquet that is on my coffee table and brightens the entire room.

So today, Sunday, go about spending your seconds and making them count. Hopefully you have someone close by that is having a birthday soon and you can think up some fun surprises. Shower your love ones with hugs and kisses and let them know how special they are . . .being "Queen for a Day" or "King for a Day" makes their world go round. Hopefully, when it is your special day you will be crowned as well. Let me know when and I'll contribute to the festivities and send a hug too.

My heartfelt thanks to my children and my family of friends . . . YOU all really made my day.

Hugs to all.

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