Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The End of May

Finding a way to put the pictures on the blog is working although it is like going in a back door instead of a front door.    I can get the pictures on now but I can't break where I want to and if I start fooling around then I lose them.   So the gripe continues as I say a prayer that 'those' in power of change will go back to 'normal' . . . sounds like I am talking politics early this morning.  

The butterfly picture was sent to me yesterday from Colorado.  Judy has lilacs blooming and the butterflies love it.   I thought for a minute that it was a Monarch but on a second look, I don't think so.  I wonder just what species it is, but it really doesn't matter as it is very beautiful to look at.  I am hoping for a butterfly or two to come into my back yard this summer.   They seem to love the  honey suckle and the pink tea tree.

The latest news seems to be a change in the pyramid for foods.   I hear we are going to get a new one.   I thought I'd take a good look at these pictures as they seem to have everything that we could possibly need to stay strong and healthy.    Hey, I made a jean dish for dinner last night and you might like to try it.  I am sure someone chef has already made it, only fancier, but it was simple to do and I think you might even like to try it.    Take those long stems off the baby spinach as they can stick in your throat and cause trouble.   Tear them up and put them in a bowl, slice up a half of a tomato, about four mushrooms, a half of a small white onion, some green pepper cut up small, a few frozen green beans, dribble some sea salt and some black pepper over all.   Get out your big black iron skillet and put some olive oil and about a teaspoon of vinegar in it, put it on medium heat and then dump in all of the ingredients from the bowl.   Let it simmer for a few minutes, just long enough for the green beans to thaw and viola!!!  Dinner is ready.  A side of a fancy cracker or two and you have it made.   

So today, remember one more month has gone by the wayside.  It seemed to be a very long month of very unusual and colder weather for our area.   We cannot complain as we have not had the horror other states have had during the tornado season with the added floods to contend with.   I am off to light a candle or two today and hope you will take time out to do the same.  It can't hurt, in fact it might just help if we all make up our minds to bend a knee and offer our eyes up into the wild blue yonder.  Who knows what little angel might catch sight of the light of your candle.    Today "Simple Truths" newsletter talks about time . . . "Nobody can manage time . . but you can manage those things that take up your time."    "Time is Expensive.  As a matter of fact 80% of our day is spent on those things or those people that only bring us 2% of our results."   "Time is perishable.  It cannot be saved for later use."  "Time is measurable.  Everybody has the same amount of time, pauper or king.  It is not how much time you have, it is how you use it."  "Time is irreplaceable. We never make back time once it is gone."  "Time is a priority.  You have enough time for anything in the world, so long as it ranks high enough among your priorities."   So think about all that for a second or two and then go out in your world and make every second count.   Hugs to all.

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