Monday, May 16, 2011

Return Trip

Good morning, it is May 16th the start of a new year for me and I am still reeling from all of the attention I received over the weekend as the celebration of my birthday continued. I had decided I wanted to stay home for dinner and not go out to a fancy restaurant. I had been wined and dined for a week or more and a hamburger sounded just right. Pat came over with the makings and friend Maggie was going to join us and play a game of scrabble . . . well, that was the intent, but . . . in walks Maggie with a bag full of Chinese food and what a treat we had. So I didn't go out but the fancy food came in and we enjoyed every mouthful. I shared my carrot cake which Pat made and it was scrumptious. Not much left as I talked Pat into making a smaller cake this year . . . am I crazy? Yeah!!! There is a piece left and I am not sharing this one. La Verne, on the other hand, made me two loaves of cinnamon bread so you know what I am having toasted this morning for my breakfast. It is not going to take long to put back that five pounds I lost at this rate, well, maybe . . . just maybe, a bit of garden work will offset it all.
Driftwood and a shark's face I see. On the way back from Coos Bay we stopped at our favorite town of Bandon where the old town is a treasure trove of galleries and shops. We usually just stop to have a bit before heading home, sort of a half way stop for us and we don't take time to see Bandon as a whole. This time we took a ride down and around the water and found a whole area of homes that are vacation rentals and there are several hotels and motels in the area. We had no idea. The bar was rough with huge waves pounding into shore spraying the rocks and keeping the boats in. It was misty and a storm was coming in so the water was wild.

We saw these steps leading from one of the homes down to the beach. I was reminded of Pauline in Newport who has her forty steps leading to the ocean. I thought she would get a kick out of seeing these steps leading to the Bandon beach area. You can see a lot of driftwood at the base.

Here is the Rose of Sharon bush that is just beginning to bloom. You can see it has a lot of blossoms coming this year. It was spectacular last year but not as thick and bushy. I am beginning to find out that the more I prune back the bush the bigger and wider it gets. I am anxious to see it bloom and will take a picture when it does.

So today, enjoy the start of your new week. Pay attention to the candidates as they line up for the next Presidential election. We have a long road to travel before we get to the voting booth. Monday is always an iffy day as we are still in our weekend mode. It is hard to give up the freedom of our weekend and buckle down to business again, but don't despair, time flies 'faster than a speeding bullet' so know your weekend will be back sooner than you anticipate. I have housework that needs attention as I get ready for company this week. Summer is coming and I am looking forward to 'family' guests who don't mind writing their name in my dust. I have a sign that says "Dust Kitties in Progress, do not disturb." so come and we will ignore the 'mess' and go looking for agates on the beach and enjoy the sunshine . . . if it every stays out long enough around here. Make your seconds count, enjoy everyone of them. Hugs to all.

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