Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hump Day

Good morning.   I have been writing for about five minutes only to have the words disappear as I write.  I have no idea where they are going or why.   The same for the pictures, the albums have hundreds of pictures in them and will load up so I can choose one but the ones I put on today are not showing up.    So without grousing about the changes that are effecting the e-mail and the blog, I'll write a little about what interested me in the e mails this morning.

There was a delightful series about measurements starting with the width of standard railroad  rails which were originally built by the English and the exact same gauge was used for wagon wheels which had to do with the long distance roads in  England.   Rutted roads came from Roman times when the legions rode chariots with wheels wide enough as two horses asses.  

Now, our most modern mode of transportation, our rocket ships with two boosters attached to the sides of the main fuel tank (made in a factory in Utah) have to be shipped by train through a tunnel just a little wider than the railroad tracks . . . so our most advanced technology is determined by the width of two horses asses.    Um . . . the word progress comes to mind.

So today, remember those who have lost everything to tornadoes and flooding.     They have a very long road to get back to 'normal'.     Be kind and generous.    Make your seconds count, don't waste them.  Take pride in yourself and the work you do and share a hug or two as they feel good and make the heart beat stronger.    Hugs to all.

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