Thursday, May 12, 2011

Older and Wiser

Good morning. A couple of more cartoons about getting older, a road we all have to travel and it might as well be with a smile on our faces as crying doesn't help a bit. If we all had our money invested in the pharmaceutical companies we would all be very rich and if we were really truly intelligent we would be careful about taking their well advertised 'stuff' and let them starve a bit. I grew up with an old Irish woman who didn't believe in doctors and her idea of a cure was to 'get over it', or 'growing pains, or the best one was 'offer it up and get a soul in heaven'...they all worked just fine.

This makes me smile. It is a question we all should have asked . . . ha. . . ha!

How quick the cartoonist is to let us know what the headlines are. There are so many stories ongoing and it is hard to believe half of what we hear as the word spreads in so many different directions. We are over indulged with the current topic of what is going on every where in our world and the newscasters jump from one calamity to another giving us the 'drill' without ever a 'retraction' when new developments need to be told about the actuality of what is going on in our world. Right now nothing seems to be a truth and all those headlines and new people seem to forget what happened yesterday . . . as if it never did. We hear so little of our fighting men the the hardships of being away from their families. We hear little of the men coming home maimed for life or what our politicians are doing to help them have a future. The horrible events happening to our people in our own states gets set aside for the next 'big' catastrophe and all the while it seems that the next election is taking precedence over all.

Meanwhile the States that have not had some big natural disaster are trying to keep up the summer events to bring the folks together for fun and festivities. This is a picture of the Oyster Feast in Oregon. I had no idea folks thought that much of the oyster. Now shrimp or lobster would attract a larger crowd I'm sure and a good plate of fish and chips would be quite a lure. We are gearing up around town for some summer events here and I think they are having the 'slamin salmon derby' and hopefully the big Art Festival. It gives us something other than negative news to think about.

So today, make your seconds count. You are closing in on another weekend and hopefully a sunshine one. Leave the negativism to the reporters and don't turn on anything electric, go out breathe fresh air, meet up with a friend or two and laugh out loud . . . it's so good for the soul. I am off for a ride to Coos Bay and have my camera in hand. I may see a whale's tail yet. Hugs to all.

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