Monday, April 4, 2011

omeone Cares

A farmer in Bellevue, Nebraska, south of Omaha, knows how to run his tractor to tell how he feels about our fighting men and women.

As the pilots land at Offutt Air Force Base they get a bird's eye view of this field. It should be a front page picture in our newspapers so everyone could share.

How sad the news of war takes a back seat to the shenanigans of some star athlete or overpaid star. You can bet the families of our fighting force are not forgetting where their loved ones are. I think this farmer should get a medal for not being afraid to be patriotic. He does this every fall, maybe he will do another big sign in a different field and add "In God we trust", wouldn't that be a sight to see! It is nice to see some news of someone with courage and conviction. There is so much negativity in the news today that we tend to shut down and not pay attention. Well, we had better wake up and smell the roses as there is a lot going on we need to know about negative or not. The economy is not moving and families are hurting but our politicians have taken to scrabbling as we head for another election time. Maybe each of you will remember all of what has transpired to create all this negativism when you go to the polls and vote in 2012. Be alert and pay attention as we need a strong, experienced, and honest leader to get America back on its feet.

So today, the first day of your new week, watch for the signs of spring which are all around us. Winter is slow to leave us and seems to want to stay. Son Michael said they had fifty feet of snow up in the Tahoe basin, so there will be no problem with the water tables this year. Of course if it thaws too quickly it could mean a lot of problems. So maybe slow is not a bad thing. We had two days of sunshine and that should have given me reason to shout out loud, but . . . the proverbial 'but', the cold winds were swirling around defying anyone to get out and start an early garden. The stores are filled with all kinds of seed and plants, the birds are on the wing, but winter hangs on. I think our friend, Marcia, has the right idea of starting her gardens in huge buckets which she has moved to a sheltered side of her garage. She knows the sun will shine there eventually and her little seedlings will get a good start. I have put my order in for some garden tomatoes and those pole beans she plans to grow. Hey, maybe you have a spot to call your own and can get started as we are going to need our 'victory' gardens once again if the store prices are any indication of what is to come. A dollar and thirty three cents for two small green apples . . . why? The seeds have no gold in them. Maybe if we let them rot, the message will get out there, come to think about it, applesauce is on sale. Give it a lot of thought and don't forget how to smile. Hugs to all.

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