Saturday, April 2, 2011


Here it is the second day of April and I let April Fools Day go by without a word. I hope you had some fun yesterday playing a joke on your friends. This is not a picture of Emma but one of her ilk. This is what Emma looks like after playing in her yard on a rainy day. Pat is beginning to think she needs an outdoor shower by the back door, a little towel just doesn't do the trick of wiping Emma down and inviting her inside again.
I received an e-mail with pictures of animals and chose a couple to show you. I thought this one was hilarious and you can all but hear the operatic solo being sung. The cat's 'meow'!! Something like the sound of us singing in the shower. "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray" . . . I knew you would know that one.
What a cutie. All swagger and lots of heart. This one is probably standing up for all those little chicks people are thinking of buying as Easter gifts for their children . . . no . . no . . stick with the candy ones.

It is only three more weeks to Easter Sunday. Lent is at the the halfway mark. Giving up sweets has been much too easy this year. I will have to take this into account next year when lent arrives and do something that is harder . . . bread comes to mind, or coffee, or treating myself to lunch out, something that is a bit more of a sacrifice and takes more effort. That would be much more difficult as Pat and I love to go out to lunch and try out all of the new and old places. We do have our favorites and we could do a great job as food tasters. I have been trying to find the best clam chowder restaurant, and there are a couple serving a good chowder, but, aha, there goes that 'but' again . . . they are not consistent and either have the chowder luke warm or too thick, which turns my taste buds off. My neighbor La Verne makes a really good one so I remember to buy some clam juice and some canned clams and trade for some ready made chowder. I make a decent one but it is more fun to go out and about and search for the tastiest one around. It really is not out here in the West, I think the best is back East where the big black razor clams are, and that big round loaf of pumpernickel bread. It must be time for breakfast as I seem to have food on my mind.

So today, Saturday, take yourself out to lunch. Go out and find a restaurant that serves your most favorite dish and enjoy it. You worked hard all week so treat yourself to a meal you do not have to plan or cook, and smile while you do it. Hugs to all.

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