Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Monday

It is Monday the 25th of April, 2011 and our Easter holiday is over . . . it seemed to take a long while to get here. then in a blink of an eye it was over . . . how fast it went as we changed plans a dozen times. After awhile we decided to go over to Crescent City and visited the Harvest Cafe where the food is excellent, as is the service. Everything is 'healthy' so we gave up going to a buffet where we would over indulge and enjoyed a delicious breakfast omelet with the Easter ham and eggs, a little green pepper, some onion served with home fries cooked in a rice oil I never heard of. We stopped by the casino for a few minutes . . .more like an hour. . . and won some, lost some, and came out even, so we were winners. We met Maggie at the theater and saw "Water for Elephants" which is well done and the actors excellent. It was interesting enough that I did not doze through it and that is nothing short of a miracle. Maybe reading the book gave me the incentive to stay awake, and paying five dollars and fifty cents for a medium box of popcorn certainly awakened a few nerves in my body, and we have the nerve to complain about the high prices in the grocery store. It is ludicrous as to what everyone is doing out there in the business world . . . coffee a dollar and a half in the restaurant, sometimes two, they are out of their minds. I'll remember to order just water in the future. "Someone" is out to spoil all our fun, or being a Depression baby, I remember five cent popcorn in a large bag.

The importance of being political. How our life style has changed in a very short while. You would think our leaders would be working hard to put folks back to work, fight the cartel on gouging on gasoline, instead of politics as usual. the hardest part is knowing half of the money is going overseas to the cartel countries richer than Midas.

There was a picture on television yesterday showing Harry Reid of Nevada, along with five other senators hobnobbing with some high folks at a huge casino in some foreign country. I can understand Harry's interest as Nevada runs on gaming, but why the other five on vacation with him? They are heading for China . . . it would be interesting to find out why. Meanwhile you will have to give up something to afford to fill you car with gas to get you to and from work. Car pooling would help, even though it would be an inconvenience, but it would cut back a little of the expense. Of course if most had a job then one wouldn't have to 'sweat the little stuff'.

So today, start your week off with some good thoughts about what you can do to help yourself through this economical disaster. Food prices go up right along with the gasoline so think menus and cutting back, and be sure to use up all of the leftovers. Stop and count your blessings though there are many people in the world, and especially in our own states, that are having to live with the loss of everything they owned. Fires in Texas, tornadoes in Arkansas, and flooding in half the mid states. Dip into your pocket and send a check to the Salvation Army knowing they are out there trying to help those in need. Meanwhile, keep 'a stiff upper lip' and get on with your seconds today, and know Blue Monday will pass . . . it always does. Hugs to all.

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