Saturday, April 9, 2011

After Thought

Old Town, Bandon
The Masonic Temple Building in Bandon's 'Old Town' which houses a lovely boutique shop filled with beautiful and very expensive clothing, along with some unusual collector items. Next to it there was a small restaurant called "The Loon" which just closed. Another sign of the times as the economy is so bad the small business owners cannot stay open. The food they served was excellent but they had a fly problem. I have no idea why they didn't do something about it, but I can tell you it was very annoying and we stopped going there.
Across the street from The Loon is the Minute Cafe which is always busy. The food is excellent, the service is good and the decor is a collection of mugs, each one different and each one tells a story.

And in our travels we saw many new born lambs. They are so cute. A sure sign of spring. We also saw a lot of new born baby cows roaming the meadows on their new wobbly spindly legs. They were in an area where the hills were steep and some were sitting as if to say they had had enough for one outing. Because of the narrow road and on coming traffic we couldn't stop to take a picture, but it would have been a good one.

So, it is Saturday, a day of leisure I hope, although there are chores to be done and shopping as well but at least it is not as confining. You can go out the door bundled up as our cold spring continues to surprise us. The little neighbor dog, Sheba, is going to move today. She finally caught someones attention with all her barking. I never hear her, but then I don't hear a lot of things. She has been living in a big house all by herself and her owner has been stopping in once a day to feed her and say hello. She has a big pen and a doggy door so she can go in and out but lately she has been unhappy and has barked her way into the limelight. Her owner has to do something about her barking or pay a five hundred dollar fine. Her owner has been living with her significant other over by the ocean and they have had a bad year with illness and the aftermath of several operations. He doesn't like dogs and she was torn between them. She did her best to placate the two but it just got too much for Sheba and she let the neighbors know. Hopefully she will find contentment when she is moved to her new yard. She may find herself living in the lap of luxury with a big dog house and her familiar fence surrounding her. Let us hope so.

Make your seconds count today. Do something 'good' for yourself. Two more weeks of lent then Easter Sunday. I am looking forward to a decadent desert after either a ham or a lamb dinner. It would be a good time to find out where the best buffet is in town, then you can have so many more choices. Wish you were here to join me. Hugs to all.

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