Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This cartoon, which is far from a cartoon, shows a few crumbs towards a smaller budget . . . just think what the pie would look like if they really went to work and cut out all that 'fat', you know the airport no one goes to, or the all knowing facts of a tsetse fly. We can only hope.
Daughter Pat went to visit the turtle yesterday and when she looked out the window she saw this beautiful bird. I would say it is very patriotic, look at those colors. It didn't make any attempt to fly away, so it must have been content to stay on a patio overlooking the ocean . . . who could blame it? Not me, I would have liked to have had a chance to sit on the patio overlooking the ocean and watch the whales go by. Some folks have it made.
This is the puzzle I was given at Christmas and after a whole week of struggle I finally gave it up. Son John, who refuses to put one piece in a puzzle on my table at home, took it with him to Anchorage and found time to put it together. All the pieces were there and I swore that it was lopsided and missing many pieces. It was such a slow process I gave it up. This puzzle is showing a topographical view of where I live on the Oregon coast. Good job John, master of patience and perseverance.

Now this one is funny. I love that Afro hairdo. Let us all hope and pray that the powers that be will see the light and turn the economy around. Hopefully common sense will prevail and we will see our folks back to work, making a living, paying their taxes, keeping America bright and beautiful preferably with a "Harry" who knows that the 'buck stops here.'

There was something on television news about Libya giving their gasoline away while we pay an outrageous price and more than half the money goes back to the oil countries . . . something is amiss . . . something needs change . . . it is time for each of us to think about driving less and walking more, can't hurt, I've been doing it for years


So today, think . . . it is hump day . . . go out, walk around your car, think of how healthy it is to go for a walk up the block to have lunch, or brown bag it and eat at your desk and then go out the door and walk around the block. I walked to Freddys yesterday in sunshine and no wind and it felt very good. The street cleaning machine was in full gear spewing dust and dirt around but the driver was very nice as he stopped the machine until I walked by. I stopped to thank him and got a big smile. There is a new sign up at my neighbor's house across the street, that makes three up for sale within walking distance. My neighbor is getting married the end of the month so is moving on to bigger and better 'digs'. I will not miss all the traffic as our neighbor ran a dance school and had no yard for parking. There is always something to groan and gripe about but commercial venues in a quiet neighborhood should be banned, unless of course, it is commercial for everyone. That is my thought on this subject and I am sure there are a couple of other neighbors with similar feelings. Don't get me wrong, our neighbor is a delightful young woman and will be missed. I even bought a special card to tell her so. Make your seconds count, do some one thing that will make you feel good about yourself. Hugs to all.

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