Monday, February 21, 2011

Report Card

The beautiful Emma had her first obedience lesson yesterday afternoon. I have not had a full report on how she did, but knowing Emma, I am sure she got an F on her first report card. Why? There were dozens of other dogs there and when Emma sees friends to play with then there is no stopping her. I am sure Pat had a rough time trying to get her to settle down and it may take nine more lessons before she 'bends to the idea that one is to behave' . . . what is the fun in that? A lesson we all had to learn as we grew and most of us had a hard time 'bending to the will of others'. So say a little prayer for Emma and know she is in the 'dog house' today. She will have to practice, practice, practice to get her 'A'.
Our weather stays wintry and there is much to be done in the house today. The vacuum is waiting for a spin around the rooms. I don't want to admit that dust kitties could be hiding in corners as well, but a week of no attention means that Monday is a good day to catch up with the mundane chores. Like Emma, I can think of a few other things I would rather do, but . . . lessons are inbred and housework is never ending so one might as well enjoy it.
So today, your first day of your new week, filled with seconds to be used up and lived, organize and devout as much time as is needed to prioritizing your priorities. As for me, I do have a new jig saw puzzle on the dining room table and the frame is almost done. Bob and Andrea will be pleased to know I finally got to their Christmas gift which is an amazing box of puzzles of all sizes. The pictures are beautiful and I know there are a lot of pieces, 4,800 in all, eight puzzles all together from three hundred to a thousand pieces just waiting for me to get busy. My neighbor Laverne was all smiles yesterday as she came in to say hello and stayed an hour turning over pieces. She forgot her glasses and told me she is buying a pair at the drug store to keep at my house just so she will be prepared to do her part in putting the puzzles together. She loves to do puzzles yet will not set one up in her home; she needs companionship . . . and it is better to have my table tied up for weeks than hers. She has to be watched though as she is known to shave a piece to fit where she thinks it should go. My organizational skills drive her crazy but when she does find a particular color sequence many fit and she is always surprised. Along with the help of putting a puzzle together, she is able to vent about her problems and sometimes this is just enough for her to resolve them. Wide shoulders do come in handy now and then. Stop, look and listen today and lend a shoulder if needed. Hugs to all.

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