The Juno crew asked for comments on the changes and of course I responded. It is always fun to remind them, once again, that like the picture of the rusty can promoting a product that doesn't work, jumping ads do nothing but create a feeling of ill will and frustration. It will not do much good as they have already responded with the words that we computer users should really be thankful as the ads, jumping or not, keep the cost down on the use of their prestigious product. Boy, would I love your feedback on that one. It is much like our television with ads every four minutes. Talk about intrusion . . . well, lets not, fighting 'city hall' is rather useless . . . but, nothing says we have to by the product.
A mystery, I had other pictures but they have disappeared, well what can I expect when I am trying to get into the back door and my old friend Mortimer the friendly ghost of blame is hanging around. I apologize for the harangue, it has been a useless use of words that will not resolve the computer problems of updating. Let 's go on to something else like the wildfires in Arizona that are driving the folks out of town to get some fresh air. Andrea and Bob wrote yesterday they were packing up and taking off for a reprieve. Over two hundred thousand acres have burned already. How sad, how awful, some folks have lost their homes and everything in them. It has been a tragic year for so many. Reminds me of a rather long poem I did some time ago which I called "I Often Wonder"
The elements show themselves/in so many varied forms/I often wonder/Is this God's way/ to keep us well informed.
The oceans circle round the globe/the mountains reaching high/moisture forms/and soon a storm fills the sky.
The thunder roars/lightening soars/sending rain/upon the earth/the soil becomes a muddy pond/ the trees bend/from the wind/I often wonder/ is this God's way to show he sees/the foolishness below/how come the summer storms are soft/the world a soft glow/are we doing something to please His very soul?
This earth can tremble/crusts do move/the earth can split apart/I often wonder/ Is this Gods way to show the mean at heart?
When winds collide and form a cone/cyclone forms arrive/ to take whatever is in its path/I often wonder is this Gods way/to show the greedy/ they should share today?
The ocean can be smooth as silk/then turns to fury/as the waves/pound heavily on shore/flooding areas/and homes are no more/ I often wonder is this God's way to say/we are selfish and hoard and hoard and hoard.
Volcanoes erupt up into the sky/spuming heavy clouds of ash and smoke/making lava rivers/to destroy any- thing in its path/I often wonder/ Is this Gods way of telling us nothing is forever/so wake up/ pay attention/help change our ways/ so God will make the elements behave.
So today, Sunday all day, hopefully a long slow day in which you can rest and relax before starting the second week of June. The month of brides and I don't know a single one. I hope you do so you can join in the festivities and have a great time. Daughter Patricia is coming along fine and should be coming home today which makes Emma and me happy. I can hardly wait to spend some time with my daughter Christine and make up for some of the time we do not get to share. It has been a long week and I am glad it is over although I have to admit it was wonderful to hear the voices of my sons and to have my granddaughter catch up with me. If you have been a little remiss, take time out today to pick up the 'gadget' and call someone who loves you and brighten their day. A few words, really only three little ones . . . I love you . . . well, I do, and I am glad you are in my life. Go, laugh out loud today. Hugs to all.
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